Blank Headstone Wholesale - Ariver Stone

06 Aug.,2024


Blank Headstone Wholesale - Ariver Stone

Blank Headstone: Why You Should Consider it for a Grave Marker


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Blank headstones have been a trend for a while now. The common reason for people to choose such a headstone is that maybe they are not ready to add more information to the headstone or they like the simple look of the headstone. Whichever the case, these blank angel headstones can also be made to be quite beautiful.

ARIVER Stone has been making such headstones for a while now. So, if you ever have wondered learning more about them, this guide has the information you need today. Go ahead and keep reading to understand why someone would choose a blank headstone.

What are the Common Shapes for Blank Headstones?

Figure 1 A white marble blank kerbed headstone with angel


Who would have thought that shapes are just as important as materials when looking for blank headstones? Well, they are crucial. It is why most people are willing to spend more just to get some specific shape. They do not always have to be expensive shapes. You can still get the traditional shapes too. Below are shape ideas to consider.

  • Square top

A square top is what you are already thinking. The blank bench headstone will have a flat top with a square shape. Such headstones largely vary in price based on the material a manufacturer uses.

  • Checked top

A checked top has a similar look like a square top only that it has multiple stark angles. You will notice that it forms a dramatic angular shape. It is quite a unique touch to the regular look of a blank headstone.

  • Raised shoulder

The shape also has a look same as the square top only this time there is a raised shoulder either on the right or left. The shoulder could be later used for holding a statue or something else and make it the center of attraction.

  • Arc or oval

This is probably a common shape you will see more often. It is as the name suggests. It will have an oval shape or form an arc at the top. Even though people are always looking for a modern design, this one stands out for having a timeless appearance.

  • Floral

Floral shapes are quite common. This is a special shape that can be part of your blank headstone when you decide it is finally time to add more stuff to your headstone. You can see that this one can be added later.

Those mentioned above are not the only shapes you can get from a headstone manufacturer. With a bit of research, you should get more options definitely.

White marble angel bench blank headstone

What is the Process of Designing a Blank Headstone from ARIVER Stone?


Figure 2 A Blank Headstone with Floral Detail


If you think about it, there is no much you will be designing considering it is a blank headstone. However, it does not mean that you simply hop online and place an order. There are a few things you have to go through first.

  • Get in touch with ARIVER Stone inquiring about blank bevel headstones. You will be given access to the product catalogue so that you know what are the options available if you want to get a quality headstone. Once you have identified a top headstone that you like, let the support team know about it.
  • If you do not find a design that you like on the catalog, consider getting in touch with the support team more to give your ideas. Our team is open to helping you realize the right headstone design.
  • Once you offer the design changes, next is to pick the material and color. Some of the materials available are granite, limestone, marble, bronze, and more. All these materials vary in color and cost. Based on your budget, you can always access a great blank headstone that you want.
  • Next is understanding the cost. The cost of the stone is charged separately with the cost of the lettering and inscriptions. So, if you want more inscriptions, the team will guide you through the options and respective costs too.
  • Now that everything is settled, production will commence. For most people, they have to wait 2 to around 6 weeks for their headstones. Since it is a blank headstone, not much work will be needed, so it will be delivered sooner.

How Much Will the Blank Headstone Cost?

Weeping angel and heart for blank headstone

A blank catholic headstone price can start from as low as $500 to over $ in some cases. This is mostly because of the material the user decides to pick. A good option for those on a budget would be granite. This material is quite cheap and still leaves you with a high-quality blank headstone. Well, if you opt for some colors, sometimes these colors can be expensive. So, opting for common colors can save you a lot of money too.

Other than the cost of the stone, you also have to consider the installation service. It might not cost too much, but keep it in mind. The installation mostly ranges from $100 to $400. In case you have a lot of work that has to be done before the headstone is installed, you may have to pay up to $600. At this point if you have the skills for installing a blank cemetery headstone, go ahead and use them to save on some money.

Of course, maintenance is also vital. You should always keep it as part of the costs you will incur over time. Maintenance is not hard as you do not need to do it more often. As such, you should consider getting a blank headstone that is still easy to maintain. A good example would be that made of granite material.

Does a Granite Blank Headstone Need Regular Cleaning?


Figure 3 An Upright Blank Headstone marble materials

Granite is one of the top choices for anyone who wants the best blank headstone. It is for this reason; they are quite many of such headstones in the cemeteries. How about their maintenance and cleaning? Well, you will not have to clean them as often as marble, but cleaning them is still important. It does not have to be more often, but make it a routine to leave your blank headstone looking good too.

In case you have to clean a granite blank custom headstone, here are some ideas to consider.

  • You should consider if the blank headstone really needs cleaning. There are times when it can be better just to leave the headstone alone. It might because it is too damaged and cleaning might not help as such.
  • Can you clean it yourself? Sometimes cleaning can be done by you. All you need is to have the right supplies and get down to cleaning it. If it seems hard, there is always the option of choosing a professional company to do the cleaning for you.
  • When cleaning the granite headstone, no need to use chemicals. This is because chemicals sometimes can have quite the effect on the look of the blank headstone. Also, you might need sealing the headstone afterwards.
  • Do not use high pressure washers on a granite headstone. This is because the high-pressure washers can cause damage to the headstone. This is through breaking of several pieces and can also remove the polish and coating from the blank headstone.
  • Watch videos online on cleaning of headstones. You might be surprised by just how easy it is to clean the headstone. There are many people who have done such cleaning before and would be willing to share more tips with you.

Should You Buy a Marble Blank Headstone? Is it Worth it?

Upright Headstone Under Construction

Marble headstones largely stand out for their looks. Many people are willing to pay more money to get themselves the best marble blank family headstone because of how it looks. In most cases, the starting price for a basic marble headstone can be over $. This is no joke especially if you want the headstone to be bigger.

Many people will also like the blank headstone for having several color options. There is the traditional white and then you can get some rare colors too. The colors would also determine the value of marble material. Whenever you go for the rare colors, you should expect to end up paying a lot more.

As much as we are talking about blank headstones, people can choose marble because it is a soft surface. When the time comes for making inscriptions, you can find it being a lot easier compared to when working with granite.

Also, the classic vibe that people get with marble makes it even more attractive to them. They feel like marble can offer a timeless look and design to their blank headstone.

Can I get an Affordable Bronze Blank Headstone from ARIVER Stone?

Tree engraved on blank headstone

Traditionally, you might be used to seeing headstones made of actual stone. However, you could still get yourself a headstone made of metal. In this case it will be bronze. If you have seen a bronze grave marker, then you might always be thinking about it.

Most people would be wondering why a person would consider getting themselves a bronze blank headstone. The following benefits can help you consider it as an option.

  • Bronze material really looks good. This is especially when polished. You will enjoy how it looks and it also makes the inscriptions look great. However, bronze can darken over time due to oxidization. Do not worry if this happens as it can still be polished still and get it back to normal.
  • Bronze being a metal we expect it to be quite strong. Unlike other materials such as stones, the metal can resist fatigue. It also resists corrosion. As a result, you can find it possible to have it withstanding even the extreme weather conditions. In case you live in areas that experience a lot of extreme weather, bronze would be a nice choice for you.
  • Customization is also possible with bronze metal. You can always get it molded into any shape you want. The best part is that it will not be too expensive to a point you feel it is not worth it. Many people find it easy to add design elements and motifs to the blank headstone made of bronze later.
  • Maintenance is also not hard. You can clean the headstone using soap and water. This will make it look new for several years down the line. Polishing does not have done all the time. Once every few years should be good enough.

So, the next time you hope to achieve a timeless design for a headstone, you can always consider a blank granite headstone to see how well it can work out for you.

Can You Save Money on Blank Headstones?

Figure 4 Blank Upright Headstone with Vase

Yes. Think about it, you will not have to worry much about inscriptions for a blank headstone. What most people do not know is that you can spend too much time and money on inscriptions if you are not careful. It is why anyone who can find it possible to save on headstones might consider getting a blank headstone.

What Can Cause a Blank Headstone Require Repairs or Restoration?


Headstones can face different weather conditions over the years. This can make them degrade and fade too. As such, you would want to try and maintain the overall look of the headstone by using the right methods. That can only happen if you understand more about why a blank headstone might need repairs or restoration.

  • The first reason would be the age. When the headstone gets too damaged, it is best sometimes to restore it. Repairing might not always be the choice in some scenarios. Worst case scenario is that you may have to replace the entire headstone. However, this does not happen often.
  • Corrosion can be a big part of the repair and restoration time. If you used a blank headstone that had a metal part, the metal can corrode or warp. Such a material needs the best care to have it looking good once again.
  • Vandalism is another problem. Contrast to popular opinion, graves get vandalized all the time. when this happens, you have no option but rather find a replacement for the headstone or get a professional to restore the current headstone.
  • Weathering could still be another cause for having to repair or restore a headstone. When the weather elements such as wind, rain, and storms happen around the blank headstone, you are likely to experience weathering of the headstone. This is when the colors fade, cracks emerge, and so much more.

Should You Use a Professional for Blank Headstone Restoration?

Double heart blank headstone with angel

Depending on the skill of a person, sometimes you may have to consider hiring a professional to do the job. However, that is not always the case. If the repair does not need a lot of work, you can always do it yourself.

There are some cases that would warrant the use of a professional. If the blank graveyard headstone breaks, then you need someone with expertise on how to handle such parts. That might not be you. A small break can be fixed with small epoxy; however, things are tough when you have huge broken sections.

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Resetting can also need the use of the skills of a professional. There are times when the blank headstone can fall over or shift. This would always need the user to opt for a professional to help get it into the right shape and position once again.

It is advisable to consider calling the professional when you first notice the cracks or any other damage. This is to keep the headstone from any further damage that you do not need.

How Does the Location Affect the Choice of a Blank Headstone?


Every one hopes that their loved one can rest in a place they have always wanted. That is why people take their time to buy the best cemetery plot. Keep in mind that this is a place where generations will come to pay their respects even in the future, so you should get a great place definitely.

It is not just picking a plot with a prime location; it should also have some special significance to you too. Let us say that your loved one used to go through the park every morning for a jog or visit a coffee shop in the morning. Well, find a location that can mean something to you each time you visit the grave.

Sometimes you may be bound by family traditions or you feel like starting new ones. That is something the location can help you achieve. You could buy more burial plots next to other family members. This allows you all to rest in one place. Still, you can come up with new locations for your new family. This ensures that you can still enjoy the freedom of having new traditions. What is important is that the location has a meaning.

What most people do not realize is that the location can also impact your choice of design. Well, each cemetery is likely to have rules you must follow if you want to set up a headstone. The rules mostly point out things such as the size of the blank headstone, the type of stone you can use, colors, and more. It is why ARIVER Stone highly recommends working with the cemetery management to avoid having a headstone you cannot install.

The location too can affect the overall cost. This is where you might be asked to pay a fee to install the blank headstone. So, it is not something you can just ignore.

Cross blank headstone

What Additional Costs Can You Expect After Getting a Blank Headstone?


Having a blank headstone is just one of the costs you have to deal with when you want to give your beloved a proper send off. However, you might soon quickly realize there are many other charges you have to deal with on overall. We mention some of them below.

  • The cemetery plots. It might seem like a no-brainer, but some might find themselves with no burial plots. Also, the burial plots vary in size and type. So, you have to inquire about such plots early to find the right plot. Some can fetch a premium if they are located close to a road or lake.
  • A grave liner is also important. Most cemeteries would require that you get yourself a grave liner to protect the burial ground and cemeteries too. A grave liner is vital to add more stability to ground thus preventing it from easily collapsing due to foot traffic or in case there is heavy machinery rolling over the graves.
  • You may also have to deal with maintenance fees too. These fees go to the cemetery fund, which is used in the overall maintenance of the cemetery. Well, you would want your cemetery looking good for years.
  • Even after you have your blank headstone, you still need to install it. The installation fees vary from one person to another. The cemetery might have someone who installs the headstones or you can opt to bring someone from the outside to help with the process. There is the need to ensure the installation is done right. This is to ensure proper leveling of the headstone always.


A Double Upright Blank Headstone

The best blank headstone can have many benefits to the user. You can expect that your headstone would maintain a clean look most of the time. So long as you follow the laws and regulations of a cemetery, you will not have to worry much about not installing your blank headstone. In case you ever need to add inscriptions later, ARIVER Stone can still help among other things. Talk to our team for any questions you might be having.

Ultimate Costs and Savings Guide to Block Paving a ...

How Much Does It Cost to Have a Block Paving Driveway?

Revamping your driveway with block paving can be a transformative endeavour for your property's aesthetics and functionality. However, the cost of such a project can vary significantly, depending on numerous factors. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the intricacies of block paving costs, empowering you with the knowledge to make informed decisions and achieve your dream driveway.

Factors Influencing Block Paving Driveway Costs

Size and Layout

The size and layout of your driveway are pivotal determinants of the overall cost. Larger driveways naturally require more materials and labour, resulting in higher expenses. Similarly, intricate layouts with curves or complex designs may necessitate additional time and effort, contributing to increased costs.

Choice of Materials

The choice of materials profoundly impacts the cost of block paving. Different block types, such as concrete, clay, or natural stone, come with varying price tags. Concrete blocks typically offer a more budget-friendly option, whereas clay or natural stone blocks tend to be pricier. Consider both the initial cost and long-term maintenance requirements when selecting materials.

Site Preparation and Groundwork

Proper site preparation and groundwork are imperative for the longevity of your block-paved driveway. This includes excavating the existing surface, creating a sturdy base, and ensuring proper drainage. Factors such as terrain complexity and existing conditions can influence the labour and materials required, thus affecting the overall cost.

Additional Features and Accessories

Incorporating additional features such as edging, decorative patterns, or drainage systems can enhance both the aesthetic appeal and functionality of your driveway. However, these extras come at an added cost. It's essential to weigh the benefits against the expenses and decide which features align with your budget and preferences.

Location and Accessibility

Geographical factors such as local labour rates, transportation costs, and site accessibility can vary from one region to another. Properties in urban areas with higher living costs may incur greater expenses compared to rural counterparts. Obtaining quotes from local contractors can provide insight into the specific costs associated with your area.

Professional Installation

Hiring a professional block paving contractor is crucial for a successful and long-lasting driveway. The expertise, experience, and reputation of the contractor can influence the cost. While opting for a reputable contractor may incur higher upfront costs, it ensures quality workmanship and reduces the risk of future repairs or replacements.

With these factors in mind, let's delve into the cost breakdown of block paving driveways.

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Cost Breakdown of Block Paving a Driveway

Let's dissect the various components contributing to the overall cost of block paving:


The materials used for block paving driveways contribute significantly to the overall cost. The table below provides an overview of the average cost per square meter for different block paving materials:

Block Paving Material Average Cost per Square Meter Concrete Blocks £20 - £60 Clay Bricks £40 - £70 Natural Stone Pavers £60 - £100
  • Blocks: Prices can range from £20 to £100 per square meter, depending on the material and quality chosen.
  • Sand and Cement: Additional expenses for the necessary aggregates and bonding materials.


Labour costs typically range from £50 to £150 per square meter, reflecting the expertise and effort required for installation.

Site Preparation and Groundwork

Costs associated with excavation, base preparation, and drainage solutions may range from £20 to £40 per square meter.

Additional Features and Accessories

Budget for any supplementary elements such as kerbs, borders, or drainage systems, tailored to your design preferences.

Additional Expenses

In addition to materials and labor, there may be additional expenses associated with block paving driveways. These can include:

  • Site Preparation: Clearing the area, excavating the ground, and ensuring proper drainage can incur additional costs, typically ranging from £10 to £30 per square meter.

  • Edging and Borders: Adding decorative edging or borders can enhance the aesthetics of your driveway but may require extra materials and labor, resulting in additional expenses.

  • Sealing and Maintenance: Applying a sealant to protect the blocks and periodic maintenance can prolong the lifespan of your block paving driveway. Sealant costs vary based on the product and area to be covered.

  • Disposal of Old Driveway: If you have an existing driveway that needs to be removed or disposed of, there may be additional costs associated with demolition and waste removal.

It's essential to consider these additional expenses when planning your budget for a block paving driveway.

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Tips for Cost-Effective Block Paving Driveway

Ways to Save Money on Block Paving Driveways:

Compare Quotes

Obtain multiple quotes from reputable contractors to ensure competitive pricing without compromising on quality.

Opt for Cost-Effective Materials

Consider concrete blocks or alternatives within your budget range, balancing affordability with durability.

Choose Standard Patterns

Opting for standard block paving patterns can save costs compared to complex or custom designs. Standard patterns are widely available and require less time and effort for installation.

DIY Where Feasible

Taking on preparatory tasks like site clearing or vegetation removal can reduce labour costs, but leave intricate work to the professionals.

Plan for Maintenance

Regular maintenance can extend the lifespan of your block paving driveway and prevent costly repairs. Properly sealing the blocks and addressing minor issues promptly can save you from expensive restoration or replacement in the future.

Research Local Suppliers

Research local block paving suppliers and manufacturers to find competitive prices and quality products. Consider the leading paving supplier and manufacturer in the UK, Universal Paving, for quality paving that exceeds customer expectations.

By following these cost-saving tips, you can achieve a beautiful and durable block paving driveway within your budget.

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Is It Possible to DIY?

While some homeowners may consider DIY block paving driveway installations to save costs, it's important to recognize the expertise and precision required for this project. Block paving driveways involve several technical aspects, including site preparation, proper base construction, and accurate block placement. Any mistakes or inadequate preparations can result in a subpar driveway that may require costly repairs in the future.

Hiring a professional block paving contractor not only ensures a high-quality installation but also provides peace of mind and saves you time and effort. Professionals have the necessary equipment, experience, and knowledge to handle the intricacies of block paving driveways, delivering superior results that stand the test of time.


Block paving your driveway can elevate your property's aesthetic appeal and functionality, but it's essential to navigate the cost considerations wisely. By understanding the factors influencing block paving costs and implementing strategic cost-saving measures, you can achieve a stunning driveway transformation within your budget. Prioritise quality, consult with reputable contractors, and embark on your block paving journey with confidence.

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