Half Cut Solar Panels: Types, Price, Pros & Cons, and More

07 Oct.,2024


Half Cut Solar Panels: Types, Price, Pros & Cons, and More

A half-cut solar panel is a modern-day technology that helps in enhancing solar power energy. These panels decrease the cell size to accommodate more cells in the system. 

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This technology has an improved design and consists of an anti-reflective coating or anti-reflective glass, printed silver paste (front contact), back surface field, a doped semiconductor, and printed aluminium paste (rear connection). 

These components make the Half-cut solar panels more reliable and efficient than conventional models. 

How Do Half-Cut Solar Panels Work?

Half-cut Solar Panel

A half-cut solar panel works more effectively than traditional solar panel systems. In previous models, the solar panels contained 0.5V solar cells. These were combined and placed in a series. Then when the voltage was added, the cells operated at 30 V. 

But in half-cut solar panels, the solar cells are cut using a laser cutter and then added to the series. Although this process reduces the power output, the voltage stays unaffected. 

Moreover, the voltage power doubles when new half-cut cells are included in the series. Hence, compared to conventional solar cells, these offer enhanced electricity and better functionality for a long time. 

The Efficiency Of Half-Cut Solar Panels

Half-cut solar panels are far more efficient and operate better than conventional ones. They have 120 to 144 cells that are almost double the cells in the monocrystalline solar panels. 

These solar panels are made from the passivated emitter and rear cell (PERC) technology and provide high module efficiency. 

Besides, in half-cut solar panels, no heavy resistive losses occur. Since the cells are cut into halves, the energy transmission from the wire to the household appliances becomes slow. Therefore, the power loss is much slower.

Additionally, the half-cut solar panels have high shade tolerance, unlike the conventional models. 

In traditional models, the solar panel system stopped working if a row was shaded.  But since half-cut solar panels have a different wiring arrangement, the power production does not stop if one row is shaded. 

All these features make half-cut solar panels better in performance than conventional solar panels. 

Pros And Cons Of Buying A Half-Cut Solar Panel 

Half-cut solar panels are excellent for elevating the solar panel system&#;s energy yield. Yet, there are many advantages and some disadvantages of buying a half-cut solar panel. Find the details below.

Advantages of buying a half-cut solar panel 

  • There are fewer chances of power loss.
  • It offers high shade tolerance.
  • The half-cut solar panels provide increased low-light performance.
  • The cells are compact and less prone to cracks.
  • It features the latest solar design. 
  • It minimises the temperature of hot spots.
  • It provides low electrical resistance.
  • It is made of high-quality, durable materials.
  • It has high longevity. 

Disadvantages of buying a half-cut solar panel: 

  • It is expensive.
  • There is a possibility of soldering.
  • The cells can cause internal dysfunctioning after cutting. 

Cost Of a Half-Cut Solar Panel 

The cost of a halfcut solar panel is approximately Rs. per piece for 400 W. Please note, the price can differ depending on the power capacity. 

The higher the voltage, the more will be the price of half-cut solar panels. Similarly, the durability and space required for installation are the other two factors affecting the total cost of a half-cut solar panel. 

Generally, these panels are more expensive than the traditional ones as double the average number of cells are required to make them. Besides, the manufacturing cost also adds to the total price, making it costlier than other solar panels.  

Subsidies For Half-Cut Solar Panels 

As of now, the Indian government offers subsidies for DCR panels only. Since most Indian manufacturers are able to produce only polycrystalline solar panels single-handedly, the current subsidy schemes are curtailed to polycrystalline solar panels only. 

Thus, there&#;s no subsidy provided for half-cut solar panels in India as of now. 

Maintenance Of A Half-Cut Solar Panel 

Regular maintenance is essential to keep the half-cut solar panels working for a long time and avoid malfunctioning. Follow the tips below to remove the grime and dirt on the solar panels that accumulate over time. 

  • Use a sponge and brushes to remove the dirt on the surface. Homeowners can clean the panels using a garden hose. 
  • Apply a cleaning agent to the brushes to wipe the grime.
  • It is essential to check the condition of the solar panel after every three months to see if all the parts are working fine. If required, replacement of the components must be done.   


The half-cut solar panels have improved the overall output of solar energy. Though challenging to manufacture, this innovative technology provides better performance for an extended period. 

These solar panel systems adhere to modern-day requirements and are more efficient than traditional solar panel versions. Homeowners can purchase this device, install it on the roof, and save electricity costs to a great extent. 

Are you interested in learning more about 120 Half Cell Photovoltaic Panel Custom? Contact us today to secure an expert consultation!


1. Do solar panels get damaged when they are cut in half?

No, the solar panels do not get damaged when they are cut in half. However, doing so can reduce the current flow. But the voltage stays the same even after cutting. 

2. Do half-cut solar panels have small cells?

Yes, half-cut solar panels have small cells. Since the panels are cut into two halves, the average size of the solar cell gets split, resulting in a reduced size.  

3. Can half-cut solar panels break?

Half-cut solar panels are pretty durable and do not break under normal conditions. However, environmental changes like hail storms and water accumulation during the rainy season can damage the solar power system. 

Breaking Down Half-Cut Solar Cells: The Future of ...

The global push towards renewable energy sources has led to a rise in solar panel installations worldwide. Solar technology has come a long way in the last decade, and there is no doubt that it is the future of energy. Among the latest technological advancements in solar panels is the emergence of half-cut solar cells. These unique solar panels have the potential to revolutionize solar technology, making it more efficient, more cost-effective, and more accessible. In this article, we'll delve deeper into these solar cells, explore how they work, and discuss their advantages and disadvantages.

What are Half-Cut Solar Cells?

Half-cut solar cells are a type of solar panel that divides a standard solar cell into two smaller cells. These smaller cells are then wired in parallel to create a single solar panel. Half-cut solar cells have a distinct advantage over conventional solar panels in that they have the potential to generate more energy. This is because they are designed to reduce energy loss and increase the efficiency of energy conversion.

Read here: The Advantages of Solar String Inverters

How do Half-Cut Solar Cells Work?

Half-cut solar cells work similarly to traditional solar panels, with a few significant differences. Each half-cut solar cell is essentially two standard solar cells, split down the middle. These half-cells are then wired in parallel, which results in a few benefits:

  • Reduced Resistance: With fewer solar cells in each half-cell, there is less electrical resistance in the solar panel. This reduced resistance means that more energy can flow through the panel, making it more efficient.
  • Lower Temperature: Half-cut solar cells generate less heat than traditional solar panels. When a solar panel absorbs sunlight, it converts some of the energy into heat. This heat can reduce the efficiency of the panel, making it less efficient overall. They produce less heat, which means they maintain their efficiency for longer periods.
  • Higher Efficiency: By using smaller solar cells, half-cut solar panels can reduce the impact of shaded areas. Shaded areas can cause significant energy loss in traditional solar panels, but half-cut panels can still generate energy even when partially shaded. This means that half-cut panels have a higher overall efficiency than traditional solar panels.

Advantages of Half-Cut Solar Cells

  • Improved Efficiency: As mentioned, half-cut solar panels are more efficient than traditional solar panels. This increased efficiency means that they can produce more energy with fewer solar cells, which translates to cost savings for the user.
  • Increased Lifespan: Half-cut solar panels tend to have a longer lifespan than traditional solar panels. This is because they produce less heat, which can cause damage to the solar cells over time.
  • Enhanced Durability: The design of half-cut solar panels makes them more resistant to damage. The panels are less likely to crack or break, which means they can last longer in harsh weather conditions.
  • Better Performance in Partially Shaded Areas: Half-cut solar panels perform better than traditional solar panels in shaded areas. This makes them an ideal option for installations where the panel may be partially shaded.

Disadvantages of Half-Cut Solar Cells

  • Higher Cost: Half-cut solar panels tend to be more expensive than traditional solar panels. This is because they require additional wiring and connectors to link the individual half-cells together.
  • Lower Voltage: Half-cut solar panels have a lower voltage than traditional solar panels. This means that more panels may be required to generate the same amount of power as a traditional solar panel installation.
  • Complex Installation: Half-cut solar panels require more complex installation than traditional solar panels. This is because they require additional wiring and connectors to link the individual half-cells together.
  • Unproven Technology: Half-cut solar panels are a relatively new technology, and as such, they are not yet as widely used or tested as traditional solar panels. This means that there is less data available on their long-term performance and durability.


Half-cut solar cells are a promising new technology that has the potential to revolutionize the solar industry. They offer improved efficiency, increased lifespan, enhanced durability, and better performance in partially shaded areas. However, they also come with higher costs, lower voltage, and more complex installation requirements. As with any new technology, it will take time to determine whether half-cut solar cells will become the standard in solar panel installations. Nonetheless, it is clear that they represent a significant step forward in the ongoing quest for more efficient and sustainable energy sources.

Contact us to discuss your requirements of Large Format 72 Cell Solar Panel. Our experienced sales team can help you identify the options that best suit your needs.