If you’ve just had a new floor laid, had an existing floor refinished, used ineffective floor protectors in the past and looking for something better or simply have little or no knowledge about floor protection and what products to use this article is for you.
The most common items of furniture that will need floor protectors are chairs. Now you might be wondering what are the best floor protectors for chairs?
There are several options and I will go through the good the bad and the ugly of each one.
But firstly!!
Why do I need Floor Protectors?
Furniture is by far the most common cause of damage to hard floor surfaces. Most furniture will generally have ineffective or no form of floor protector attached to it at all, so when it’s moved it causes scratches, gouges and other expensive problems and damage.
Fitting good quality floor protectors will dramatically help to eliminate these problems.
Which floor protectors are right for me?
Choosing the right floor protectors can be worked out by asking yourself the following questions:
Do I want a long term or short term solution?
Do I want premium, budget or in between?
How easily do I want my chairs to slide?
In order for you to answer the first 2 questions you’ll need to know the difference and I’ll explain below.
There are a many choices on the market but I’ll explain 3 of the Slipstick Foot Brand.
Slipstick Felt Floor Protectors are your short term and budget solution.
Slipstick Gorilla Floor Protectors are a middle of the road and effective floor protection solution especially for chairs.
Slipstick Foot Floor Protectors are your long term and premium solution
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