Welded mesh fences: advantages and disadvantages

30 Sep.,2024


Welded mesh fences: advantages and disadvantages

Welded mesh fences: advantages and disadvantages

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The main purpose of the barriers made of welded mesh is to designate the boundaries of a particular area. Such fences are also used to emphasize the design of the landscape. In order to diversify the mesh fence, additional elements can be used. Such fences can be used both in private ownership and at industrial facilities.

Features: pros and cons

It is necessary to install a welded mesh where inappropriate fence is inappropriate. Mesh fence on the garden area has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • Mesh design allows air to circulate. It also does not prevent the penetration of sunlight, which favorably affects the quality of plants.
  • At cost, such a fence is more affordable than other analogues, so for small dacha plots it is optimal.
  • The welded mesh has a relatively small mass, so it is easier to transport it to the installation site. The installation itself does not require special skills and does not take much time.
  • The fence of welded rods is quite durable, it is able to withstand a lot of weight, so it can be used as a support for climbers.

  • The lack of windage in such a structure allows it to withstand strong gusts of wind, while at the same time protecting the fenced area from unauthorized intrusion attempts.
  • Welded mesh does not close the view, and if desired, through it you can observe what is happening outside the garden area.
  • If you choose a galvanized grid option, you will not need to take care of the fence. Due to the layer of zinc, which is covered with the bars of the fence, they do not corrode and therefore do not need regular painting.
  • The fence of the grid has no sharp corners, dangerous parts and projections, so this fence can be installed in places where there are children.

The peculiarity of welded mesh fence is that its advantage may turn into a disadvantage.It was already mentioned above that such a fence is completely transparent, therefore the grid is not suitable as a street fence for private property.


Metal mesh for fencing is made of wire of different thickness at the points of its interweaving. The grid differs according to the following features:

  • To size and the shape of cells: variants are in the form of a regular rectangle or a rhombus, and non-standard trapezium and other intricate shapes.
  • According to the structure distinguish between a grid of 2D and 3D. The first type is flat, has no bends and corners, cells, as a rule, of regular rectangular or square shape. At the factory, the product is painted in green, but at the request of the customer it can be repainted. The 3D mesh is stiffer due to bends. The bends can be 2 or more, they can be used as cable channels for wires.
  • By type of coverage distinguish the grid without coating, galvanized and polymer coated:
    1. The uncoated variety is the most affordable. Its disadvantage is that it requires additional anti-corrosion preparation. Usually the preparatory work consists in staining,and in the future, the paint must be periodically updated.
    2. The second type - galvanized mesh. There are galvanic and hot method of applying a layer of zinc. In the first case, a layer of zinc is applied using different soils. The layer is not very durable, over time it can be damaged, which will lead to corrosion. In the second case, the layer is more durable, however, the price of such a grid is significantly higher.
    3. PVC coating is finish. It is applied after a layer of zinc. The result is a product that can withstand significant temperature extremes and other climatic phenomena. The smaller the cell size, the stronger the mesh.

Due to the high cost of this type is rarely used for the manufacture of conventional barriers.

  • By packing method. Welded mesh is supplied to consumers usually in rolls or cards. The sizes of rolls can vary in weight (from 50 kg to 0.5 tons) and in length (15-30 m). The diameter of the rolled wire is relatively small, so this grid can be easily rolled. This gives the grid some advantages during transportation. At installation it easily straightens and takes the desired shape.The strength of such a product is slightly higher than that of the Rabitz mesh. Cards are sheets of rectangular shape with a size of 1.5x2 m, made of extremely strong wire, which is impossible to bend and roll into a roll.

Application area

There are many examples of places where a welded mesh fence can be installed. In addition to the private sector, such fences protect various industrial facilities. Fences are used for construction, factory and other structures, they are often used on the territory of educational and sports institutions.

It is possible to build a fence of absolutely any length from a welded mesh, enclosing a territory of different area. Restrictions depend only on the budget.

If the most common grid option is suitable for a small area of &#;&#;a few hundred square meters, then for a larger space, for example, a cottage village, a bank or an airport, a more complex 3D type is most often used. In addition to the installation of fences, welded mesh is actively used in agriculture to create pens and cages for animals, as well as for fencing pastures and land.

The fence net is also widely used in construction: it serves as a strengthening support for building facades,Mounted before laying pavement and paving slabs in order to prevent mechanical damage from excessive loads


Depending on the design, mesh fences can be divided into two types:

  • Sectional fence of the grid. It is often called European. The name "sectional" speaks for itself. Such a fence is a finished panel. They are supplied with mounting hardware, with which the fence is assembled in a short time, like a designer. Due to the attractive appearance, such fences are often installed in parks and squares, near administrative buildings and in similar places.
  • Tension welded fence. In this case, the tape method, roll grid. Installation is more time consuming and requires an assistant. Concrete, wooden or metal poles can be used to support the tension fence. Concrete supports are considered the most reliable option, since they are more durable than wood, and do not corrode like metal. If we are talking about the summer cottage, the pillars can be made independently.For more respectable places, manufacturers offer ready-made supports with hooks and other necessary fittings.

As for the distance between the supports, experts advise choosing an installation step of 2.5 m.

Installation technology

Installation of any welded mesh begins with marking the area and leveling the surface on which the fence will be installed. To do this, it is necessary to determine the future angles and drive pegs in their places. They will fix the splits, which need to encircle the entire fenced territory. Further, depending on the width of the section, the tape measure should measure the distance between future supports and also drive in pegs there.

Then you can begin to fix the base of the future fence. There are several options:

  • The first type of support is the concreting into the priming of the pillars, to which the mesh sections will then be attached. It is considered the least time consuming and simplest.
  • The second method is installation with pre-concreting the panel to which the pole will be attached. When using the panel method, the possibility of support distortions is excluded.
  • The third way - installation on a solid solid foundation of concrete.In this case, the probability of skewing the fence is also reduced to zero, and there is no need for a support plate.

After the concrete has hardened, and the base is fixed, you can proceed to the final stage of installation - the connection of the mesh panels to the supporting pillars. Special clamps are used for fastening, and in order to prevent moisture from entering the pillars, which will contribute to the appearance of rust, plastic plugs.

Manufacturers, as a rule, make installation instructions, and if it is followed, assembling a fence from a welded mesh will not cause difficulties and will not take much time.

Useful tips

To the fence was durable and reliably protected the property from unauthorized intrusion, you need to know some rules that should be followed when choosing:

  • Strength. Depending on the thickness of the metal rods from which the welded mesh is made, as well as on the internal size of the cells, its strength also changes. The thicker the bars and the smaller the cells, the more durable the product is considered.
  • The size of the mesh canvas. This applies primarily to the roll grid.The dimension should be selected depending on how high the fence is needed. Manufacturers offer various options: 0.5 m, 1.7 m, 2 m and others.
  • The quality of the cut or bend. The rods should be smooth, without flaws. This will affect the service life of the product.
  • The shape and size of the cells, as well as the wire cross-section, must be identical to those stated in the documentation.
  • The quality of the protective layer is also of great importance. The durability of the fence depends on its integrity.
  • If the technology has been observed, the welding will not damage the wire, and the place of welding will be strong and reliable. In the case of the acquisition of the roll grid, you can check its strength by unwinding the roll a little. If welding does not crack, then you have a quality product.
  • You must have a certificate of conformity or other documentation confirming the quality. One technical passport is not enough.
  • All parts and accessories must be properly equipped, and their quantity must be as stated in the instructions.

How to choose?

The choice of a fence from a grid depends, first of all, on where this construction will be installed.From the same will depend on the price that the buyer will have to pay for the goods. Ideally, if at low cost, the products will also have good quality. In the modern construction market there are many manufacturers.

Each of them occupies a certain trading niche.

For example, buyers prefer to purchase domestic products for small areas because of their availability, but large customers often opt for more fashionable European products.

The most popular are several manufacturers of the grid:


  • Fensys. This is a Russian manufacturer, and its products are considered the most affordable. The company produces panels using European technologies, but modifying and adapting them to the Russian climate. The mesh has a multi-layer hot-dip galvanized protection. Wire diameter 4 mm. The color of the panels is standard green, but if desired, you can order painting in white, gray, blue, yellow.
  • Grand Line. Another Russian manufacturer, producing 3D panels for fences. The thickness of the wire can be 3.5-6 mm,at the same time, the manufacturer gives a 10-year warranty on the protective anti-corrosion layer. You can fit the gate and the gate that is suitable for the design and installation technology.

  • Gitter The main production is located in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region. The company specializes in the manufacture of sectional structures, the price of which is low compared with European counterparts. Production is popular among summer residents and owners of small private houses.
  • Fenci. Products of the Russian manufacturer has a simple concise design and reliability in operation. The range of the proposed panels is quite diverse. The company produces welded mesh, different in size and cost, which allows you to choose fences for every taste and budget.
  • Dirickx. This is a French manufacturer of mesh designs. The diameter of the rods that make up the section is 4-5 mm. The corrosion-resistant coating is applied by cold plating; it has two layers: zinc and polymer.

How the fence from a welded grid is established, look in the following roller.

What Are the Disadvantages of Wire Mesh


Wire mesh is a popular material used in construction, landscaping, and DIY projects. However, it&#;s not without its downsides. In this article, we&#;ll explore the disadvantages of wire mesh and help you make an informed decision about whether it&#;s right for your needs.

From limited flexibility to potential rusting, there are several factors that may impact the effectiveness of wire mesh in certain applications. Learn more about these drawbacks and how they could affect your project.

1. What is a wire mesh

Wire mesh is an incredibly versatile material used in a variety of industries in both commercial and residential applications. It is a type of metal wire structure that consists of crisscrossing wires held together by weaves or ties. The size and shape of the openings between the wires can vary greatly, depending on the desired purpose.

The main feature of wire mesh that makes it so useful is its strength and durability. Because the individual wires are woven into each other, they create an immensely strong structure that can withstand immense amounts of pressure, weight, and wear and tear over time.

This makes it extremely useful for applications such as fencing, reinforcement, insulation, and protection. It also has a high level of flexibility; it can be bent or cut without breaking to fit any particular application. Wire mesh also has excellent weather resistance properties due to its metal composition; it will not rust or corrode under normal conditions.

The construction process for wire mesh involves weaving together individual strands of metal wires into a pattern that creates an interlocking lattice design. By varying the size and shape of the openings between the wires, one can control which objects are able to pass through them while still maintaining their structural integrity.

For example, larger holes may be required for materials with bigger particles like rocks or gravel while smaller holes may be needed for finer particles like dust or smoke.

One of the most common uses for wire mesh is in fencing and reinforcement applications. Fences made from wire mesh provide high levels of security since they cannot be cut easily nor can animals climb over them due to their height and tightness between each strand.

Additionally, they are highly visible which deters potential intruders as well as provides clear boundaries to protect property lines from encroachment by others.

As mentioned earlier, wire mesh can also be used in reinforcement applications such as reinforcing concrete structures like buildings or bridges against extreme external forces like windstorms or earthquakes thanks to its strength and flexibility characteristics.

2. The disadvantages of wire mesh

Susceptible to Bending

Wire mesh is weak in tension and may easily be bent or distorted if it is not sufficiently supported. This can be a problem when using wire mesh for structural support, as it will not be able to bear the weight of the material it is intended to hold up.

Additionally, due to its malleability, wire mesh may become misshapen when heavy loads are placed on top of it or when it is exposed to high winds or other environmental factors.

Accumulation of Rust

Wire mesh contains an iron alloy, meaning that it is prone to oxidation over time. This oxidation leads to rust accumulations, which can degrade the structural integrity of the wire mesh and make it more prone to collapse under pressure.

Exposure to water and moisture will increase the rate of rusting, while protective coatings can help slow down this process by blocking out moisture and oxygen from reaching the surface.

Get Corroded Easily Without Surface Treatment

As mentioned above, without any kind of surface treatment applied to wire mesh, corrosion can occur at an accelerated rate due to air exposure. To combat this problem, galvanizing or painting should be used in order that a protective layer can form on the surface of the wire mesh and inhibit corrosion from forming.

Additionally, this protective layer also adds strength and increases durability so that the wire mesh does not suffer from bending or distortion too quickly.


Wire mesh is much more expensive than other types of fencing and security systems due to the labor-intensive process of weaving the wire mesh together. For mesh galvanized after weaving, and for stainless steel wire mesh, the cost can be even higher.

Whereas a typical chain link fence or other type of fencing system could run anywhere from $2 to $8 per foot, a comparable wire mesh system could cost upwards of $20 per foot. Additionally, because most wire mesh systems are custom made, it can also be difficult to predict how much the installation will cost overall.

See Through

Although this feature of wire mesh can be desirable in some cases, its transparency also presents a disadvantage for many applications since it does not provide privacy or protection from rain or sound.

The openings in the weave allow light and sound waves to pass through unimpeded, meaning that any activities on either side would still be visible and audible with relative ease.

This lack of privacy and protection from the elements may make it impractical for certain applications such as residential use or industrial workspaces where safety and security are paramount.

Not Rainproof

As mentioned above, because the openings between wires are relatively large compared to other materials such as sheet metal or plywood, it can be quite easy for water droplets to pass through them when exposed to heavy rains or storms. This can lead to issues with rusting if not adequately cared for in wet climates and further reduces its effectiveness as an effective barrier against the elements.

Not Soundproof

In addition to allowing light through, due to its design wire mesh is also ineffective at blocking out sound waves which makes it impractical in many applications where noise reduction is desired such as near airports and other industrial settings.

Even though there are ways to increase its acoustic performance by adding additional layers or using specialized materials there are far more soundproof fencing options available that can provide superior results without sacrificing visual appeal like that of wire mesh fences do when used in these situations


While wire mesh has many advantages, it&#;s important to carefully consider any potential disadvantages before incorporating it into your project. By understanding these limitations, you can make an informed choice about which materials will best meet your needs.

Are you interested in learning more about wire mesh fence supplier? Contact us today to secure an expert consultation!