How To Choose The Right Industrial Generator For Your ...

30 Sep.,2024


How To Choose The Right Industrial Generator For Your ...

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Choosing an electric generator depends on important factors such as your specific applications, power needs and facility size. With the right generator, you can back up your power supply and keep operations going during outages and emergency situations. Understanding how to choose an industrial generator can help you significantly improve your business.

Importance of Choosing the Right Generator

The right generator is essential for your company&#;s productivity, efficiency and peace of mind. Choosing the right generator is crucial for the following reasons:


A generator is necessary for safety if your facility operates life-sustaining or life-saving equipment. For example, a hospital must keep its medical equipment running for patient health and safety during a power outage. Additionally, your facility requires a generator for safety systems such as fire alarms and emergency lights.


The right generator allows your company to continue operations when it loses power. This backup power supply enables you to improve efficiency by reducing machine downtime and increasing productivity.

Choosing an Industrial Generator for Your Business

Consider the following factors to understand how to choose an electric generator that suits your requirements:

1. Type of Generator

The first step in choosing an industrial generator is determining what type of generator you need.

  • Primary generator: A primary generator serves as a facility&#;s main energy source. Using a primary generator can help your company decrease its carbon emissions and reduce utility bills. Decreasing carbon emissions supports a healthier environment. A primary generator can also help you meet your facility&#;s power requirements if your local grid is located too far away or provides inadequate power.
  • Standby generator: A standby generator is an independent power source that can keep an entire facility operating during an outage. It automatically turns on when it detects a primary power source failure, minimizing delays and disruptions to maintain machine uptime. A standby generator is ideal for your company if you depend on your systems for production and need to maintain operation at all times.
  • Emergency generator: An emergency generator powers crucial systems. While it doesn&#;t maintain operation for an entire facility, it reliably delivers temporary power to safety systems such as fire alarms, emergency lights and medical devices necessary for patient survival. The National Fire Protection Association&#;s NFPA 110 code requires your company to install an emergency generator for any systems critical for human safety.

2. Machinery Voltage and Power Needs

After determining what type of generator your company needs, you must consider how you intend to use it and how much power you need. If you run a smaller company, a single-phase generator may be sufficient. However, larger companies typically require three-phase generators to support a substantial electrical demand.

Understanding your facility&#;s electrical systems and their voltage requirements can help you choose the right generator. For example, a single-phase generator produces 240 volts and can power basic electronic systems. A three-phase generator is typically ideal for industrial applications because its voltage supply can support heavy machinery. If your company operates large machines, you most likely require a three-phase generator.

3. Facility Size

Your facility&#;s size also plays a role in whether you need a single-phase or three-phase generator. You may choose a single-phase generator to back up a small building on your property, but you most likely require a three-phase generator if you need to power a large facility.

Your available space is another important consideration. Check a generator&#;s dimensions before ordering it to ensure you have the space to accommodate it. While your industrial operations most likely require a large generator, you must ensure it will fit in the area you plan to install it. 

Scheduling a professional sizing evaluation by an experienced electrician is the best way to determine the right size and make an informed decision.

4. Potential Company Expansion

Company expansion is another important factor. Predict or estimate how much your company may grow and how much power you may need before investing in a generator. For example, if you only need to power a couple of machines now but plan to add five heavy machines in the next couple of years, a larger generator is the ideal choice.

5. Environmental Factors

In addition to your facility&#;s size, you must think about several environmental factors to ensure your generator can withstand its surroundings. For example, a generator must be durable enough to handle weather conditions if you plan to install it in an outdoor area where inclement weather is likely. Matching a generator to environmental conditions helps extend its life span and save you money on repairs.

Important environmental points to note include:

  • Set duty
  • Supply rating
  • Electrical system connection
  • Altitude and ambient measures
  • Emissions
  • Voltage regulations
  • Potential expansion capacity

6. Fuel Type

Industrial generators use different fuel types. Compare these fuel types to understand how they affect your purchasing decision:

  • Diesel: Diesel generators are typically the best choice for industrial applications because they efficiently provide high power. They are also highly reliable and durable, and they require little maintenance.
  • Natural gas: Natural gas costs less than diesel fuel, but gas generators typically supply less power than diesel generators.
  • Propane: Propane is typically more eco-friendly than gas, but it works less efficiently.
  • Solar: A solar power generator is the most eco-friendly option, but it is less durable than other options.
  • Petrol: Petrol is typically the most expensive fuel type.

7. Portability

Stationary generators are typically a better choice for industrial facilities than portable generators because they can support higher power requirements. Since a stationary generator remains on site, it can activate at any time, even if no workers are present during an emergency. Stationary generators typically cost more than portable ones, but their capabilities are worth the cost and can help your facility save money on machine downtime.

8. Brand

Choosing a generator from a reputable brand and trustworthy vendor is essential. A quality brand manufactures generators you can depend on, and a trustworthy vendor can ensure you choose the best choice for your company&#;s needs.

Examining a vendor&#;s website and customer reviews is an excellent way to determine if they are reliable. An experienced vendor should display professionalism and knowledge about the products they offer. Customer reviews reveal the experience, service and product quality you can expect from a vendor. Additionally, looking at the brands that reputable vendors sell can indicate which ones you should consider purchasing.

9. Budget

While your available finances are an important factor because you want to avoid exceeding your budget, it&#;s also important to assess how a quality generator can help you save money long term.

Since the right generator can keep your important machines operating during an outage, it can maintain production and help you make your target profits. A well-maintained quality generator that appropriately meets your needs can also last longer than other models, helping you save money on repairs.

Trust Industrial Electrical Company With Your Generator Needs

Choosing the right type, size and brand of generator for your company is an important decision you should take seriously. Seeking professional assistance with this decision allows you to invest in a generator you can depend on.

Industrial Electrical Company can help you determine the best generator for your needs, install it properly, perform preventive maintenance and complete repairs as necessary. Contact us to learn more about how we can meet your facility&#;s power needs.




What to consider when selecting a diesel generator

Generators are the essential heartbeat of construction sites, infrastructure projects and outdoor events across the globe. As a versatile, reliable, power source their contribution to productivity cannot be overestimated. Specifically, their ability to provide vital energy and support to applications as varied as urban de-watering projects, manufacturing industries, hospitals or powering a mobile kitchen serving 5,000 people in a remote location; to name just a few.

If you are looking for more details, kindly visit Generator set procurement for mining operations.

While it is accepted that a generator is always present, often the unsung hero of the show, there may be some aspects, particularly concerning comparable performance and size of units, that need to be addressed before a purchase or rental decision is made.

There are five important factors to consider when choosing a diesel generator: ensuring the right capacity for the application, its modularity potential, the type of control system it uses, its fuel efficiency and autonomy and, finally, its physical size and logistical operation.


The most important thing to consider when sizing a generator is the high inrush currents associated with starting electric motors and transformers, which are typically six times the full load current. However, inrush currents for the type of high-efficiency motors being specified today can be almost double that amount. As a result, it has been common practice to take motor and transformer starting kVA requirements as a yardstick to determine the size of a generator. This approach often results in generators being over-sized for the motor running load and not based on the actual needs of the application. Moreover, it disregards other key factors that play a key role in sizing generators. For instance, harmonics caused by variable frequency drives and sequential starting of motors.

When starting motors or transformers, large voltage and frequency dips can also occur if the generator set is not sized properly. Furthermore, other loads connected to the generator output may be more sensitive to voltage and frequency dips than the motor or motor starter, which can cause problems.

Thankfully, help is at hand. Many generators can now be equipped with solutions to overcome the extra excitation systems required in the alternator. Typically, two options are offered: permanent magnet or auxiliary winding. Both provide the generator with three times their nominal current to cover inrush peaks from the electrical motor, for a minimum duration of 10 seconds, via a residuary excitation current.

In certain cases even more advanced options are available. For instance, some generators feature a digital automatic voltage regulator that is specifically designed to handle the high inrush currents associated with starting motors and transformers. In specific applications, this type of voltage controller allows operators to downsize the generator requirement because the transient behaviour of the power is better managed.

Another option could be to use a close before excitation system that closes the breaker just when the engine starts to run. This enables the excitation to increase gradually as the speed of the engine does, allowing for very soft start of loads connected to the generator. This is especially useful for magnetising step-up transformers in installations where medium voltage is required.

As a result, it is no longer necessary to buy larger generators than needed just to cope with the initial electrical surge upon starting. What is more, with smart control of the generator's voltage, it is possible to achieve lower fuel consumption, reduced maintenance cost and longer lifetimes.


Even if starting off with just one unit, it is worth asking the equipment manufacturer what steps can be taken to parallel a single generator with others to form a modular power plant set up. For instance, is the generator equipped with this capability as standard? How long would it take to pair two units? With many generators, this process can take under 10 minutes, but not all offer this capability. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to check before an investment is made, in case this capability is needed in the future.

When coordinated by a network of controllers, &#;plug-and-play' generators can power up and down according to the on-site power requirements at any given time. For example, only one or two may be operational during periods of low load, thereby boosting fuel efficiency. Equally, all units may become active in periods of high demand.

There are several additional benefits from modular capability. Firstly, equipment reliability is enhanced as the failure of a single unit is mitigated by configuring the remaining units to increase their output to maintain the same power output. Secondly, the cost and length of service intervals are reduced, as it is not necessary to stop the entire power delivery during essential maintenance operations.


The ideal control system should offer a variety of features. For instance, the ability to remotely start and program the machine, display warnings, for instance; low fuel and other performance issues in addition to delivering a broad range of analysis data. This helps to better utilise the efficiency of the power plant while providing a valuable overview of the application process.

Many generators are now equipped with power management systems (PMS). What makes them ideally suited for rental applications is the plug-and-play design that allows for easy and rapid configuration. PMS provides the means to optimise the fuel consumption and performance of generators in parallel with load demand, starting and stopping units with a corresponding increase or decrease of the load. It also helps avoid engine damage to generators from running with low load levels, thereby increasing their useful work life.


Thanks to design innovations and energy efficiency improvements, today's mobile generators now consume much less fuel than was possible five years ago. The fact that the latest equipment can run for longer and more economically has been a big driver behind the market's growth. However, not all generators are the same and fuel can be expensive. Therefore, it is recommended to ask two or three manufacturers for a forecast on fuel consumption before making an investment.

Furthermore, modularity also contributes to fuel efficiency. For example, taking the demand patterns of a typical industrial application as a guide, the deployment of a 1mVA generator as a prime power source could mean up to 1,677L of fuel being consumed each day. That compares with approximately 1,558L of fuel if three 325kVA generators were doing the same job. In this case, an estimated annual fuel saving of &#;30,000 (US$35,000) makes for a compelling case, not to mention 85t of CO2 saved over the course of a year.

The options for fuelling generators are expanding nowadays and now include biogas and natural gas. Although this market is emerging, it is important to discuss these technologies with a manufacturer before investing in a new generator.


It pays to determine whether units can be towed or loaded on a truck and to check for features such as lifting eyes and forklift slots. When using multiple generators, it is also worth considering if units can be stacked on top of each other for minimum footprint and access considerations. These factors have a bearing on total operating expenditure and efforts to reduce carbon costs.


Consider all the foregoing factors that affect the choice of appropriate sizing. If in doubt, apply a simple rule for estimating motor starting: 1kW of generator set rating per 3/4 to 1hp specified on the motor nameplate. Always stay on the conservative side and remember that generators are built to work hard and the more accurate the sizing is to the application, the greater the results.

It will pay to think modular because bigger is not necessarily better. Modular is not just about large installations, it can make a lot of sense with units around the 150 kVA level as well.

For users, contractors and event companies who have always rented the same size generator now is the time to seek expert advice about the latest developments that are designed to help to match outputs to applications.

Sergio Salvador is product marketing manager for small generators at Atlas Copco Portable Energy

Contact us to discuss your requirements of gas treatment for generators. Our experienced sales team can help you identify the options that best suit your needs.